Nederlandse Internistendagen verlengen voor 5 jaar

april 19, 2024

Today was the third and final day of the Internists Days 2024, the annual congress of the Dutch Internists Association . 1300 participants shared insights on how innovations can be optimally utilized, how the sustainable employability of internists can be strengthened and how treatment methods can be critically evaluated. Together they discussed how they can continue to provide healthy care, both today and in the future.

The Internist Days will also take place in MECC Maastricht for the next five years. Last Tuesday, Samara de Jong-Jaber – director NIV, Marc Liethof – director/owner Eventex, Rob van de Wiel – Managing Director MECC Maastricht and Charles Beckers – Sr. Business Development Manager MECC Maastricht signed the agreement.

From left to right: Marc Liefhof – director/owner Eventex, Rob van de Wiel – Managing Director MECC Maastricht, Samara de Jong-Jaber – director NIV and Charles Beckers – Sr. Business Development Manager MECC Maastricht

Europese SETAC congres in 2026 naar MECC Maastricht

juli 8, 2024

Maastricht Europees middelpunt voor 2.600 milieuprofessionals Maastricht, 8 juli 2024 – Van 16 tot en met 21 mei 2026 verwelkomt MECC Maastricht...

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Twee nieuwe leden Raad van Commissarissen MECC Maastricht

juni 20, 2024

Yvonne Nassar en Patrick Roubroeks starten per 1 juli als Commissaris Vanaf 1 juli worden Yvonne Nassar en Patrick Roubroeks toegevoegd aan de...

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Nederlandse Internistendagen verlengen voor 5 jaar

april 19, 2024

Today was the third and final day of the Internists Days 2024, the annual congress of the Dutch Internists Association . 1300 participants shared...

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